Monday, July 09, 2012

9 July 2012-- The Underground City of Kaymakli

During the 6th and 7th centuries, Christian residents of Cappadocia faced attacks by Turks and Persians. When warned of pending attacks, they would flee to the hills. Kaymakli housed 3000 residents for months on end. The section we visited had 4 layers: an area for storing food; an area that was for living quarters and tombs; a church (complete with apse and altar); and a kitchen. The air shafts were disguised as wells.

Bazaar on the way to the entrance of the Underground City. 

The entrance to the Underground City.

Here Arda tells us about the tunnels were are about to enter. 

It is difficult to imagine the fortitude these people had, living months at a time with no natural light, in these very cramped conditions. I certainly have renewed respect for those early Christians who gave up a tremendous amount to preserve their faith.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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