Sunday, July 08, 2012

7 July 2012-- Aphrodisias

After our school visit and another delicious lunch, we visited the ruins of the city of Aphrodisias.

There is a very large amphitheater ....

... a Bouleuterion...

and a large stadium that could seat 30,000. This end had been converted into a gladiator arena.

This is the large monumental gateway.

I am facing the Temple of Aphrodite.

The professor who excavated this site was buried here.

This is a fragment of a mosaic located in the museum.

I could not resist... from David Letterman.... "Hair Piece/Not a Hair Piece?"...

This is a statue of Aphrodite. A cult for this goddess grew around here.

This is the bust of a goddess from the Roman Bath here.
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