Monday, July 09, 2012

9 July 2012-- A stop at a Caravanserai...

After leaving Konya this morning, we drove northeast towards Cappadocia. Our first stop of the morning accomplished two missions: (1) a coffee and comfort stop (and some souvenir shopping); and (2) a visit to a caravanserai.

A caravanserai was basically a truck stop for traders on camels. Located about 15-22 km apart, these structures served as a mosque and a place of lodging. The Sultanhani Caravanserai was built in 1229.

Behind the mosque was a large central room. This could be used for lodging in the winter. 

In the center of the courtyard was a mosque. To the left of the mosque were larger cells where camels could rest. On the right were smaller cells.

In the center of the room is a dome that allows some light into the interior.

Intricate detail above the entry gate. 

I am on guard duty....

This looks toward the entry gate.

This is a view from under the mosque into the courtyard.

From the entry gate into the courtyard. That is the mosque in the center...

I could not help but hum the big band classic "Caravan" by Duke Ellington. One can only imagine the types of goods passing through these gates during the time of great caravans moving between Turkey and eastern Asia.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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