Sunday, July 08, 2012

7 July 2012-- A school visit

On the way to Pamukkale, we stopped at a village school.

Ataturk overlooks the courtyard.

A classroom display of Ataturk...

Views from inside the school...

Local kids showed up to help show off their school. 

Here a couple of kids sit in the shade with their new frisbees. 

In the classroom, the director and assistant director gave a presentation about their school. Each spring they have performances. This middle school boy dances as a traditional efe (warrior).

Ataturk display in the back of a classroom.

Ataturk observes all that goes on in every classroom. It makes me think of the time when portraits of Washington and Lincoln were widely displayed in American classrooms.

Information about Ataturk (in English) in the English language classroom.

We collected about $250 dollars (US) and 200 Turkish Lira for the school.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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